i'm sorry for all the mistakes i made whether i sedar or tak sedar
i'm sorry for all the things i did whether i sedar or tak sedar
i'm sorry sebab tak sempat nak jumpa korang masa dah nak balik states ritu
i'm sorry if i ada terkasar bahasa with you guys sepanjang kita berkawan
i'm sorry for everything
the fact is, i really missed you guys. it's not that i care if you guys remember me setiap masa, or always there for me bila susah senang, near or far. i know deep down you guys love me too. even though there are some restraints antara kita semua, tapi i don't know you guys still matter to me. i know i'm not in a position to say anything, it's just i posted this as a symbol of friendship and of Eid Mubarak.
syafiqah insyirah and laili zahwan |
no matter what happens, and i really mean no matter what, you'll always be my souls. and you'll always have a place in my heart. i really miss you guys, but i
don't know if i'm in that position to say that. hearts ;)