Aug 30, 2011

tengok tengok tengok

bukan nak kata apa tapi comel kan? seriously! haha. perasan. tapi takpela. takde orang lain yg nak cakap kita comel. 

oh ye. inila baju raya saya untuk hari first raya. best kan? haha. ponteng satu kelas, pegi 2 kelas. tapi rasa nak drop satu kelas. terbaik! 

dan saya dah pindah rumah baru. yiippee. nanti i'll show you around the house. haha.


Aug 28, 2011


i'm sorry for all the mistakes i made whether i sedar or tak sedar
i'm sorry for all the things i did whether i sedar or tak sedar
i'm sorry sebab tak sempat nak jumpa korang masa dah nak balik states ritu
i'm sorry if i  ada terkasar bahasa with you guys sepanjang kita berkawan
i'm sorry for everything

the fact is, i really missed you guys. it's not that i care if you guys remember me setiap masa, or always there for me bila susah senang, near or far. i know deep down you guys love me too. even though there are some restraints antara kita semua, tapi i don't know you guys still matter to me. i know i'm not in a position to say anything, it's just i posted this as a symbol of friendship and of Eid Mubarak. 

syafiqah insyirah and laili zahwan
no matter what happens, and i really mean no matter what, you'll always be my souls. and you'll always have a place in my heart. i really miss you guys, but i 
don't know if i'm in that position to say that. hearts ;)

selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin

sedih kan bila raya jauh jauh ni. lagi sedih bila raya dalam kelas, but nasib baik friends ada to meriahkan lagi the occasion. sama sama sedih, sama sama gembira. semua kita kene lalui. hidup sebagai perantau ni banyak sangat dugaan die. alhamdulillah tahun ni dapat lagi raya. tapi raya- raya pun jgn lupa orang dalam kesusahan. cam yang kene hurricane irene tu. nasib baik i went back early. if not all the airports would be closed. take time to muhasabah diri and do what's best for diri kita masing masing. it's a sign. never forget Him, and never forget what He's done for us to be able to live and  sambut raya again.


PS: I miss them :(

Aug 18, 2011

how sad can this be

appreciate what you have, appreciate those you matter how dumb or stupid they are or look, they're still the person who cares. unlike those who don't. ternampak orang post post. sedih sangat. cuba usha.

Aug 17, 2011

that's not the way

a way that you always use to make other people are at guilt: you use words of empathy and using words that make it looks like you're in a position of a victim.

is that actually a way. this is what hana perasan selalu orang buat. padahal diaorang sendiri yang bersalah. it's just korang buat-buat korang in that position so that the other person looks bad. soo semua orang blame that person pun puas hati.

that's not the way. it doesn't mean that when people don't retaliate, don't respond, those people are at's just that diaorang are trying to be matured rather than you. siapa yang nampak stupid in the end when you're posting about the idea above? you jugak. kesian you kan. so lupa lupakan niat suci murni you tu. and then just carry on with your own life.

Aug 11, 2011

meet mr bff :)

we're not in a relationship, we're not anything. it's just that we've been friends for so so long sampai la sekarang. seriously sayang kat dia. he's always there for me, always bawak aku keluar kalau aku sedih, bawak aku jalan2 cari makan, mane2 jela, siap belanja aku pg tgk bola lagi. malangnya tak tangkap gmbr masa tgk bola tu. ada satu hari die ajak aku pegi floria. aku pun iyo jo la. haha. comel je. cameraman aku for the day

dengan die je aku boleh berkasar, ngan die je aku leh bergurau, dengan die je aku tak kene tarik rambut, ngan die je aku salu kene blanje. thank you. kau kawan aku sampai mati. :)

ku berdoa

acane ni. hati tak berapa nak kuat. minta petunjuk-Mu agar hari-hari aku seterusnya lancar seperti biasa. kuatkan, tabahkanlah hati ku menempuh dugaan -mu Ya Allah.

oh ye. nak doa sekali untuk kenalan dan bukan kenalan yang dekat england.dari london ke birmingham. selamatkanlah mereka daripada terkena serpihan riot racist tu. mereka tidak bersalah.

yang mana-mana baca post ni. mari kita sama-sama berdoa k. free je nk tolong dorang. takyah keluar duit, just keluarkan our thoughts and prayers je :)

kuatkan and kentalkan semangat yeh rakan-rakan di sana.

Aug 10, 2011

ahmoi chantek~

thank you hujan for making a cute song for me.
haha perasan je ahmoi chantek
tapi okay what aku. ada pe orang nak panggil aku camtu. 
jangan jeles :)

Aug 8, 2011

let us be

God made us humans, so let us be humans. let us be sane. be humane. forgive and forget of what has been said and done. forgive those people who made you cry, who made a hole in your heart, who made life soo much difficult in the past. reminisce all those good and bad memories. they'll give a huge impact on your life. believe me. don't take people for granted. appreciate those who loves you. give love to those you care. for what happens now, maybe the fondue of your future.

Aug 5, 2011

in time of sadness

where's all my friends when i needed them the most in times of sadness. tapi takpela. this song could help cheer me up. :)

Aug 4, 2011


 amazing. this song can actually make you cry

Aug 3, 2011

"Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest. It isn't about who you see the most, and it isn't even about who knows you the best. It's about who came and never left"


only those who are really close and are my childhood friends yang berani call me na. and i tak marah.

I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches. 
Alice Roosevelt Longworth 

layanan yang baik

haruslah kita melayan anak seperti mana kita hendak mereka layan kita semasa kita tua nanti.
sebab nanti masa tua mereka yang nak jaga kita, merekalah harapan kita
kalau tak sapa nak jaga kita nanti.


Aug 2, 2011

Happy Ramadhan semua

Ramadhan comes again. alhamdulillah semua baik baik belaka ye berpuasa. takda yang pengsan lagi. this will be my third year enjoying raya(enjoying sangat) kat buffalo. paling tak best nanti raya dalam lab. memang terbaik.but nak buat cana. student kan. kene commited sikit. lagi lagi nak final year ni dah. tak sabanye nak walk for commencement. masa tu memang nk jerit habis habisan. walaupun belum lagi terasa the sedih part of parting with juniors tapi serious skang da sedih. even though kitorang community kecik tapi dah macam satu family. barbeque sama sama meniru sama sama haha. masak sesama. lawak je. tengok la gambar raya ktorang tahun lepas.
salam perantauan 2010
ni gambar masa tahun lepas raya. gambar paling besar skali sebelah kiri atas tu la kitorang nye. dari buffalo. hihi. comel je kan. tahun ni tak tau la sempat ke tak nak buat lagi sekali. papa pun happy fasting semua

you remain my favorite

you inspire me

Aug 1, 2011

can we not be strangers again

your not ready for a relationship. so do I
but can we not be strangers again. someday. in the future.
right now, my hearts so confused. wanting you or not wanting you