Aug 17, 2011

that's not the way

a way that you always use to make other people are at guilt: you use words of empathy and using words that make it looks like you're in a position of a victim.

is that actually a way. this is what hana perasan selalu orang buat. padahal diaorang sendiri yang bersalah. it's just korang buat-buat korang in that position so that the other person looks bad. soo semua orang blame that person pun puas hati.

that's not the way. it doesn't mean that when people don't retaliate, don't respond, those people are at's just that diaorang are trying to be matured rather than you. siapa yang nampak stupid in the end when you're posting about the idea above? you jugak. kesian you kan. so lupa lupakan niat suci murni you tu. and then just carry on with your own life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i know right.

some people.
