Nov 6, 2011

pernah tak?

pernah tak korang suka orang and tapi masa tu korang was with someone else. Even though you ada orang lain at that time, that persron still setia ada ngan you. tak kisah lah as a friend or crush or whatever. Then, bile you single, and terasa nak get ngan die, puup! sekali dia da in a relationship with someone. Then the cycle goes on and on. Sampai la sekarang, aku single and he's actually with someone. Kawan aku jugak perempuan tuh. They are sweet together. Kadang2 tu you just macam berharap something that is impossible tau. i mean nak dorang break up. tapi as a good friend to him. i don't think i'm supposed to do that. i should be supportive and doakan dia bahagia. Let the relationship sampai jinjang pelamin, then sampai akhir nyawa. Kadang2 tu frustrated jugak sebab takleh nak buat ape kan. Kadang2 ada jugak terasa nak pegi cakap kat dia. Then bila fikir the rationality of it, tak patut langsung aku berpikiran camtu.

I just want to say, i'm happy for you guys, and make the best out of each other. Janganlah do anything stupid to each other okay because erkk korang dah kawan rapat, then couple, so kalau jadi pape nnt awkward. tapi insyaAllah everything's gonna be okay.

Hmm. kene banyak berdoa kat Allah ni so that aku tenang and jiwa aku tak kacau. tak kisah lah pasal masalah ke ape ke. Ni semua bentuk ujian ye daak. haha

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