These are the faces that i miss ever soo dearly. and also some others that are not in it. it's been some time since i've seen them. These are the guys that have been taking care of me since i was a baby. literally a baby. they stood up, they cared for me, they did everything so that i was, am and will be happy. I can't wait to see them in a month time. Along, bame, barif. tunggu hana and ur grown up lil sis will banja makan eskem potong like we used to. Dulu berebut2 if mama maknja pakucop or anybody bought eskem potong. sume berlumba pg amek. tak sampai 10min dah abes dah kat dalam fridge. haha. lawak sungguh.
hihi. not to forget the cutesy irfan daris yg aunty hana tak pena jumpe lagi nih. da bechaa ye iye. see you guys soon. :')
Sometimes i would just love to hear someone asking me what problems i have. to be honest i really do mean it. mama always busy with work. abah too. pdaus? well, i've never told him anything. we're always fighting. what about nadia? she's just too small to understand all this. friends? they're busy handling they're own problems you dummy!
not being able to tell anyone, or not to tell but just getting to talk to someone just, i assume would make me feel a whole lot better. a lot of problems came recently. i haven't even finished on getting to the solution of one problem then comes another problem. like the malay saying, " bagai jatuh ditimpa tangga". i'm not begging anyone for mercy or sympathy. i just need someone to talk. not to talk about my problems and burden them but just to :"(
well, someday you'll learn hanah, that everyone's not always gonna be there to comfort you. you have to learn to comfort yourself. seriously, i tried. I tried faking smiles (that worked!). i tried cracking up jokes to people.sort of. in the end, i'm just tired of it all. i think it's okay to just breakdown and cry once in a while. that's God's doing and we must appreciate it. for all the things that i have, i'm thankful for all the things, the people surrounding me. ease the pain a bit. at least You remember me and i'm grateful for that
oh God, please help me get through this. it's not easy but i promise i'll try. help me carry on.
i may not be there, i may not be as huge of a gift unlike your other friends, but what's important is that.
even though we may be millions miles away, but our friendship remains.
this is all i could give. hope your happy with it laili zahwan. :)
lotsa lotsa love from hanna :D
p/s: sorry sebab junior aku ni sengal gile bajet kreatif amek video. haha. n tk lame lagi birthday SI pulak :))
Apr 23, 2011
Saya teringin nak pelok Syafiqah Insyirah dan Laili Zahwan. Biarpun mereka tidak mengetahui keinginanku tetapi sesekalipun tidak pernah kumelupakan mereka.
Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge. ~Isaac Friedmann
What do we actually understand about the word forgiveness or sorry? Sometimes we simply say sorry just as an excuse as to say that we've done our part in a problem. Then we tell the second party or simply blame them that they didn't make the initiative to seek forgiveness. Is this the true meaning of the word "sorry"? I don't think so. I know that sorry is just another plain dumb word, but when saying it followed by humbleness and sincerity, will be the most powerful word of them all.
Just imagine, a single word of apology, forgiveness, sorry, can give such a huge impact on every mortal that lives on this planet. To some people, by saying sorry too many times may seem insincere and can be annoying. But at least they have the urge to say sorry. i don't think that those kind of people (the ones who always feel sorry) should be treated with unequal kindness and be treated just the same.
Don't think that your superior among others because one day, you'll just be the one that's going down. Just let go of some of that ego, and say the stupid, dumb but the most powerful word of them all.
Okay da abes da part BI. haha. ni nak cite la sikit kan. aku ni jenis orang yang salu kene pijak. even though aku garang konon konon asyik nak bantai orang je, bile mara memang tak tentu arah, tapi aku still akan mintak maaf, rendahkan ego dan mintak maaf kat orang kalau aku wat salah.(eiceh! angkat bakul tambah sendiri nampak. haha) kalau orang buat salah kat aku ke, batu api antara aku ngan orang len ke, tapi seingat aku la. aku rasa aku maafkan. :)
So apa salahnya kite sume memulakan langkah dan berminta maafan sesama kite sekiranya antara sedar atau tidak, kita wat salah kat orang. serious kita tak rugi. Janganlah tunggu sampai raya kang baru nak mintak maaf kan. kok tak sempat nak raya tuh kan dah naya. haaa. tak boleh jugak kan. so kita saling la ingat mengingati antara satu sama lain k.
miaumiau! :D
Apr 17, 2011
Betul la orang kate, one minute you're up, the next thing you're down in the gutter. seriously rasa cam sedih gila. bertimpa timpa masalah aku. baru la aku nak rasa seronok sebab the last exam for two hard subjects aku dapat A ok. bukan A-. tetibe je mggu ni pegila lepaskan stress, jumpela member2 semalam kat rit. dorang wat rit malaysian night yang sumpah ohsem gile persembahan dorang. mantabun shit! (okey nanti i buat satu post pasal dorang nye night je :) )
okeyla. gembira gembira la kat rit. dapat jumpe member2 from stevens n pennstate balik. sronok gile! then bile on the way balik. malang memang betulbetul tak berbau. dapat due ticket sebab bukan kesalahan aku tapi atas kebodohan orang tu sendri. redha jela. takleh nak open sangat tulis kat blog ni bak kata pegawai jpa aku ni. kata die kalau kite da letak something kt tenet ni whether kite privatekan or not, mmg konfem akan reveal kt sume orang. so you guys beware okey.
next month insyaAllah nak kene masuk court trial. hmm. ape nak jadi pon ak tak taula. redha n doa jela aku jumpe jln penyelesaian yang elok. even kat msia pon aku tak pena dok atas stand kene trial tau tak. adoi! stress badan aku. dengan tak sehat nye hmm macam jatuh ditimpa tangga.
tapi nak wat cane kan. aku taknakla merungut lebih. patutnye aku bersyukur yang tuhan still nak bagi kt aku masalah. ayat cliche : tuhan still syg aku tu yang die kasi ujian tuh. memang cliche tapi bende tu benar. so aku percaya, tuhan takkan bagi aku masalah ni kalau die tau aku leh handle. soo just hoping for the best and tolong doakan untuk ak sekali k. :)
oh ye. tadi pegawai jpa datang kasi talk. macam biasa la pasal akademik tuh sume. ni lagi satu. aku ttbe dapat tau yang kemungkinan besar aku kene balik msia akir tahun ni. amacam? agak2 ak kecewa ke tak?
jawapannya: OPKOS LA KECEWAAA!
kitorang sume still buntu n tak tau nak wat cane lagi. seriously mmg tak expect. ngan lease umah ape sume. cube korang bygkan perasaan ak mase tuh. sumpah unexplained. tapi tula. soo skang member2 aku sume ngah runsing dan buntu nak wat cane. cari jalan penyelesaian. masalah lagi tuh. hmmm. takpela. nak wat cane. nnt2 jela aku pk
lastly, ni gepren gepren kesygn aku yang mmg gile2 dan tak waras masa msian night semalam.
Tu diaaa! n'sync mai daa. haha. tetibe teringat kat lagu-lagu depa nih. salu mase kecik-kecik dulu minat sangat kat depa ni. maklomla. mase tuh boyband tgh top kan. mana ade sangat rock-rock ni. haha. ade satu geng depa die JC Chasez.
comel kan? :)
Dulu masa kecik-kecik ade sorangla abg sedara aku ni muke sebijik jc ni. dari muke sampai la tang gigi. sama. haha. aku sampai terada crush kat die. boleh ade crush kt abg sedara sendri? ngahahah. tapi mase tu jela. tu pon sbb ak minat jc ni. skang ni sume da besaq-besaq dah ade awek da. awek die comey lotey lagi. Aku ni je skang yg kosong. nil. takde pape. tapi best sebab aku enjoy ngan member-member. lagi-lagi member pon single gak kan. kadang-kadang tu terasa cam lesbian pon ade gak. tengok wayang sama, makan sama, pegi kelas sama, hamboi. kalah pakwe makwe. haha. comel jek.
Tapi kadang-kadang tuh nak ade gak rasa kasih sayang pakwe kn. wakakak. abaikan. aku ni salu sangat menyimpang kalau dok bercita. sonok sangat. ok
Nantikan entry aku pas ni. ade cite menarik dan aku rase dalam top 3 emberassing moment in my life. ngahahah. tapi nanti la aku cite.
What is a true friend? A true friend says what they think their friend needs to hear even when they know that their friend may get angry. A true friend doesn't leave because they are afraid to be with you. A true friend doesn't leave when the fun stops and things get uncomfortable There are just of few of the values that real friends hold dear. In short, A true friend recognizes the value of the friendship and holds it sacred.
It's not always often that good, reliable and true friends come in our life, but when they do. we hold them close to our hearts. Sometimes, you do good things ( they don't tend to realize, that they tend to neglect, that they don't even stop and glare once in a while) to them, but they treat you like your some kind of loser (that's how i feel). At times, you feel alone, that your friends aren't there to support you, to be there for you whenever you're feeling down. You just wonder, "where have they all gone to?"
This is all not an excuse for you to treat them the way you're being treated. even if, they go and talk gibberish about you behind your back, doesn't mean that you gotta be them. If you do it, then you're just like them.
Baru tengok drama gemilang ep latest malam semalam. Ade satu scene tu ringgo lari sebab die disyaki bunuh best friend die, Johan. Die dokla nyorok kt satu pondok ni. memang hodoh gile la pondok tuh. haha. tapi kawan-kawan die kat sekolah sume true friends gile! diorang nak gak ringgo amek MCE and pass. Hamzah siap datang tolong ajar ringgo lagi padahal ringgo salu sangat buli hamzah. ade satu part dialog dalam cite ni best.
Ringgo: Orang kata, kalau buat baik, dibalas baik. Kalau buat jahat dibalas jahat. Hamzah: Memangla tapi kalau buat jahat, dibalas baik, jahat tu kan akan terhapus macam tu je? Ringgo: Yeke? Hamzah: Aku rasala.
Comel gile Hamzah aku rase. Macam tula baru TRUE FRIENDS. tula die moral of the story. hehe. aku tau aku dah menyimpang jauh gile dari cakap pasal member tetibe gemilang kan, pastu dari konon bahasa inggeris baku tros BM pasar. haha. tapi tu la dia yang nak disampaikan.
Moralnya: kalaulah ada orang tuh, kita anggap die member, lagi-lagi yang rapat ngan kita kan, kalau diorang buat jahat kat kita biarla. jangan pasrah sangat, tu dah macam dungu. tapi kita biarkan. kite bertego sapa je ngan die biarpon nanti kite dijadikan bahan gosip mereka dan sekutu mereka. takkan sesekali tersemat dendam kat hati ni.(eiceh poyo lebih aku ni) tapi tu betul la.
Kawan tetap kawan, member tetap member, biarpun macam-macam kita kene. satu hari nanti tuhan pasti permudahkan jalan kita :)
ps: aku tau nanti mesti ade yang cakap aku ni pura-pura nak tunjuk baik lah konon tu la ni la. takpe, dipersilakan. :)
baru ada blog la katakan. asyik nak update je. padahal banyak lagi nk kene wat ni. exam ari kames. satu ape pon tak stat baca lagi tapi takpela. put aside dulu.
ni nak cite pasal satu bende. jengjengjeng.HIJAB
skang ni tgk dah macam macam style dah tudung yang boleh kita dapat. ingat lagi.
1. TUDUNG BAWAL. macam macam gred ade sampai hana sendri pon tak tau. haha. nak tau lebih lanjut kami kat buffalo ni ade pakar jenis tudung, nama die zawani. haha
2. tak igtla. tapi igtla yang masa zaman wardina stat pakai tudung then jadi trend sume ikut style die n jns kain tudung die pakai.
cantik kan?
3. Hana rase pas tu yang style bienda tu kot. alaaaa. yang style ikat tudung ade bunga tuh. hehe. comel je kan. mama saya pena wat. cantik. hehe
4. Pastu ade trend pakai tudung indon tuh. alaa jenis manik2 n keras2 sket kat kepale tuh. orang kate senang. sarung je. memang senang pon. hehe.
5. tudung indon tuh tapi modified sket. die nye depan tu keras. pergghh! itu meletup tau. jangan men2. hana pon ada. hehe.
6. Yuna nye style. macam orang arab tapi setakat ni tu la yang paling style skali. haha.
kesimpulannya, sape kate pakai tudung takleh bergaya. tapi kan. hana ni pon tak pakai tudung tapi kadang kadang tu terdetik gak nak pakai. sooo doakan yang terbaik jela. hehe
Apr 10, 2011
Dear girls,
Don't ever let other people say or make you feel that you are not beautiful. be proud of who you are because I am. :)) Love, A pretty girl
"If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took her every courage she has. Don’t take her for granted."
so please please please dear f, if your really the one for me, or if you really do like me, please don't break my heart cause I've had enough of it already
if you belong to a group of people who likes to play and joke about with other girl's feelings, please stop! you don't know how much it hurts to be played over and over again, sedangkan the pain from previous guys who played around pon tak hilang abes lagi.
Secara official nye, setelah customize 10juta hours, akhirnya saya ahli blogspot juga! HAHAHAHAdengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, saya merasmikan page saya. PEACE!!