Apr 19, 2011


Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge.  ~Isaac Friedmann
What do we actually understand about the word forgiveness or sorry? Sometimes we simply say sorry just as an excuse as to say that we've done our part in a problem. Then we tell the second party or simply blame them that they didn't make the initiative to seek forgiveness. Is this the true meaning of the word "sorry"? I don't think so. I know that sorry is just another plain dumb word, but when saying it followed by humbleness and sincerity, will be the most powerful word of them all. 

Just imagine, a single word of apology, forgiveness, sorry, can give such a huge impact on every mortal that lives on this planet. To some people, by saying sorry too many times may seem insincere and can be annoying. But at least they have the urge to say sorry. i don't think that those kind of people (the ones who always feel sorry) should be treated with unequal kindness and be treated just the same. 

Don't think that your superior among others because one day, you'll just be the one that's going down. Just let go of some of that ego, and say the stupid, dumb but the most powerful word of them all. 

Okay da abes da part BI. haha. ni nak cite la sikit kan. aku ni jenis orang yang salu kene pijak. even though aku garang konon konon asyik nak bantai orang je, bile mara memang tak tentu arah, tapi aku still akan mintak maaf, rendahkan ego dan mintak maaf kat orang kalau aku wat salah.(eiceh! angkat bakul tambah sendiri nampak. haha) kalau orang buat salah kat aku ke, batu api antara aku ngan orang len ke, tapi seingat aku la. aku rasa aku maafkan. :) 

So apa salahnya kite sume memulakan langkah dan berminta maafan sesama kite sekiranya antara sedar atau tidak, kita wat salah kat orang. serious kita tak rugi. Janganlah tunggu sampai raya kang baru nak mintak maaf kan. kok tak sempat nak raya tuh kan dah naya. haaa. tak boleh jugak kan. so kita saling la ingat mengingati antara satu sama lain k. 

miaumiau! :D

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