Jan 29, 2012

I Appreciate You

Sometimes I forget to thank you 
For all the wonderful things you do 
Sometimes I don't appreciate 
How truly wonderful and great 
You really are to me 
And to those around you 
You are a mighty tower 
In times of stress and storm 
Where even I often run 
And the lonely people swarm 
Your endurance as the colours 
Of an untouched breathing flower 
That we can all learn from 
And derive much needed power 
So I thought I'd say thank you 
Thank you for all you do
I appreciate you 

I want to thank all of you that matter to me including all the haters who tried to bring me down. Every bit that you do, makes me a more gallant and stronger person in dealing life. Life gives all the wonders and adventures that you can barely think of. If we manage our problems with care, InsyaAllah we'll get to taste the sweetness of it after every bitterness we undertake. Nothing comes easy. Appreciate every single thing you go through, appreciate every people you meet whether you like them, don't like them, they like you or don't like you, because every little things eventually contribute to bigger things.  God bless all of you. :)

I may stumble, but I won't fall.

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